3 Month Early Career Teacher Coaching / Mentoring Group

Early career teachers face unique challenges. Are you longing for:

Support as you enter a new school year?

A safe space to ask pressing questions?

Strategies for handling difficult conversations?

Boundaries between work and home?

Join the Early Career Coaching/Mentoring Group! This group is designed for teachers who are in their first 5 years in the classroom. 

The Details:

  • We will meet twice monthly, August-November over Zoom

  • We’ll discuss topics ranging from tackling difficult conversations to putting structures in place in order to create balanced lives.

  • In addition, we will provide time and space for participants to solve pressing problems. 

  • Dates and times will be co-constructed with the group.

  • Cost: $300/person

  • Register below to schedule a 30 minute complimentary conversation to learn more about this group experience.

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.”

— Jean Vanier