Family Coaching & Consulting

You are a smart, highly accomplished professional who has longed to have a rich, meaningful family life. As a parent, however, you are struggling! You are facing the challenges of:

Articulating and actualizing your goals to create the harmonious family life you long for.

Setting age appropriate boundaries.

Managing the multiple demands of parenting young children.

Understanding the learning needs of your children and how to get them the support required to succeed.

Evaluating your children’s school placement.

 Services Include:

Classroom observations

Reviewing educational assessments and prioritizing recommendations

Referrals to outside professionals

Ongoing parent coaching and consulting

Coordinating regular team meetings to assess and modify the treatment plan.

School placement, which includes identifying the appropriate school(s) and assistance with the application process

Facilitating transitions to a new school

As an award winning educator, coach, and Independent School administrator for 20 years, Shelley had the unique experience of working with families of students who were striving to succeed in school. She is adamant in her belief that, with the proper supports in place, all children can succeed in school. Shelley brings her passion for children, her strong connections with outside providers in the community, her keen observation and listening skills and her understanding of the complexities of learning, to help families navigate the school journey with their child.

Learn more about how parents and educators can collaborate to help students thrive in Shelley’s podcast feature below:

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

— Leo Buscaglia