New Year, New Intentions

Happy New Year! As soon as the calendar turned to 2023 my inbox and Instagram feed were inundated with posts offering possible New Year's resolutions.  Eat better, lose weight, sleep more, stop smoking, start exercising, dry January…the list, posts, and emails go on and on.  To me, these types of resolutions come from a deficit and negative perspective.

As an avid sourdough baker, thank you pandemic, I decided to approach the New Year in much the same way I would approach making a new loaf of bread.  I would give myself the time and space to look at 2023 from a perspective of possibility and empowerment. Like deciding the flavor profile in my sourdough, I asked myself, “What type of year do I want to create?”

Join me in an exercise to “bake” your best year.The first step in any sourdough recipe is to feed your starter. You are taking a piece of dormant starter and adding flour and water to activate the yeast.

So grab a pen and paper (or laptop or iPad) and answer these questions to help you set your intentions (feed your starter ) for 2023 :

  1. Imagine that it is January 1, 2024.  Who do you want to be?  What do you want to feel?

  2. What values do you want to honor this year?

  3. What limiting beliefs do you want to set aside?

Now we are ready for the bulk ferment where the dough doubles in size and bubbles form on the surface. Like we do with our dough, set this document aside for a few hours or for a day to give the ideas time to percolate. 

It is time to shape the dough, and put the shaped dough into the banneton.  Come back to your reflection and add the answers to these questions:  

  1. What are three intentions that you want to set that will help you accomplish your vision for 2023?

  2. Who in your life can/will support you in this work?  How can you enlist their support?

Just like baking the bread, get in action on your intentions.  Live your life in 2023 to the fullest!  When the timer dings on 12/31/2023 pull the bread out of the oven and this document up on your laptop. Marvel at what you created!

Wishing you an empowered, intentional 2023!

Click here to schedule a complimentary call to set your intentions (and maybe some sourdough baking tips in the process!)


Boundaries: Why And How To Set Them To End The Year Strong!